Dynamics 365
Human Resources

An HR solution that makes it easier to get an overview and create value throughout the organization.


Create value with
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Make working with the company’s HR processes easier. With Dynamics 365 Human Resources, you get a tool that supports all the essential HR processes and provides a good basis for decision making via many visual dashboards. It is the same solution that was previously called “Dynamics 365 for Talent”.

The tools are closely linked to the Dynamics 365 suite and Microfsoft Dataverse


Read how Human Resources contributes to the:





Other Tools

As of February 1, 2020, Microsoft has changed the name of their HR solution from Dynamics 365 Talent to Dynamics 365 Human Resources (D365HR) and functionality has changed at the same time.



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Menu overview in Dynamics 365 Human Resources. The functionality is closely linked to the Dynamics 365 ERP suite and the Power Platform. Click to enlarge image.

Menuoverblik i Dynamics 365 Human Resources. Funktionaliteten er tæt forbundet med Dynamics 365 ERP-suiten og Power Platformen.

The HR Department’s Tools

For the HR department, it is essential to have all information about the employees gathered in one place. Data about individual employees can be accessed quickly and graphs ensure a good overview. For example, about the employee’s skills.

Dynamics 365 Human Resources unifies the functionality of different workspaces.

HR work areas include:


Management Tools

The manager’s access to employee information is gathered somewhere in  my team from where there is access to data and overviews at “own” and underlying levels of employees.

Employee Tools

For the employee, it is about seeing their own information as well as access to enter and update relevant information. The employee’s work spaces can be found in Employee self-service.

Other Tools

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Workspaces in Dynamics 365 Human Resources

To make the work with the various processes more streamlined and rational, Microsoft has created a number of workspaces where you gather functionality for the specific HR process.

Easy Access to Organization Maintenance

Postition hierarchi
Top level of a position hierarchy, where you can wotk your way down the differet levels. Click to enlarge image.
Everything related to the organization is created and maintained here. Meaning creation / maintenance of:
    • Departments built up in a hierarchy.
    • Positions that are defined in a hierarchy, so that you can see here which position a given position refers to.
    • Job that describes what one must be able to do to hold a position. Used i.a. to view a competency gap in relation to the employee associated with the position

Personnel management

In the Personnel Management workspace, the HR department can easily create an overview. It shows the number of employees, the number of vacancies and an overview of tasks. Including information about e.g. expired certificates on employees to be renewed and much more.

Detaljeret overblik over medarbejdere. Fra dette skærmbillede er der adgang til stort set alle oplysninger om den pågældende medarbejder.
Detailed overview of employees. From this form, there is access to almost all information about the employee in question.
personnel management graphics
In the workspace Employee Management, there is also access to analysis, which gives a quick and visual overview.
Personnel Management Analytics
’Krausova’ is marked, and theother graphs adjusts, so they only contain data about the marked unit - in this case Manager. For example, here we can see where the employees are placed.

Overview of Employee Development

From the workspace Employee development, evaluations, employee interviews and competencies are managed. During evaluations, it is possible to create different types of interviews – employee interview / salary interview / 1: 1 interview / coaching etc. In connection with the interviews, goals can be set for the employee. Similarly, competencies can be created on employees. Competences can be skills that can be measured and used for an overview of competence gaps in relation to a position. Certificates and educations can be registered accordingly. A number of analyzes have also been set up in this workspace.

Simple administration of courses and questionnaires

The Course Module is on the workspace Learning. From here, it is possible to manage the entire process of courses for the employees, regardless of whether they are held internally or externally. Everything from time, place, content and teacher, registration, waiting- and participant list. After the course is held and closed, it can be transferred to the employees who have participated. It is possible to prepare a questionnaire that can be linked to a course. The answers can be analyzed and form the basis for statistics. You also have analyzes in this workspace, where the data regarding courses are illustrated in graphs.

“MyTeam” for Managers

Via the “My Team” screen, the manager gets an overview of the employees who refer to him / her. Employees at underlying levels will also be visible.

Employee self-service

The employee’s access to Dynamics 365 Human Resources goes through the ’employee self-service workspace. Here, the employee has an overview of assigned tasks and their own career information. Competences, skills and certificates are also seen and maintained by the employee here.

It is possible to link an approval workflow so that the manager approves  a skill or a certificate before it is finally registered.

Other Work Tools in Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Task Management

To ensure that a given process is carried out in the same way every time, checklists can be set up. A checklist consists of a number of tasks that must be solved by different employees / managers in the organization.

The checklists therefore function as the HR department’s ‘quality assurance’ of the selected processes and tasks are performed correctly, without the HR department being directly involved. Employees simply need to follow the checklist’s tasks.

Onboarding – Offboarding – Transitions

For example, task lists can be set up for:

  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
  • Transfer between positions (transitions)

For each of the mentioned processes  a list of tasks to be solved is attached

Time shift and order between the individual tasks are set up on each course. It is also possible to attach instructions for solving the task and insert a link, e.g. to a place in Dynamics 365 Human Resource or to a website. This way the person who has to perform the task does not need to know where to create new users, for example, but can simply follow a link that opens the relevant page.

Business Processes

Checklists can equally be used to set up business processes and processes.

When creating business processes the associated tasks is provided with the information of who performs the task and who is the contact person. For each of the tasks, a time shift / order is specified, and instructions and a link can be inserted.


In several places, it is possible to set up workflows. This can be done, for example, in connection with an employee registering a skill or a certificate. The workflow can e.g. ensure that the certificate is not updated until the immediate supervisor has approved it. When it is registered, a task will be sent to the manager, who will tell you that there is a registration for approval.

Other Functions

  • Request for absence
  • Participation in courses
  • Lending
  • Pictures
  • Certificates
  • Skills
HR - onboarding tasks
Example of onboarding. Shown here is a process valid for all employees. A tasklink can be attached to all tasks. Click to enlarge image.

Microsolutions is dedicated within HR

Microsolutions offers dedicated and experienced HR skills in Dynamics 365. We are certified in Human Resource and Microsoft Gold Partners. Microsolutions can also offer resources for integration between HR and other solutions. 

If you are interested in knowing more about how Dynamics 365 Human Resources works and how it fits into your business, feel free to contact us.


Contact Microsolutions if you want to know more about Human Resources for Dynamics 365. We are available for more knowledge about functionality, estimates and price indications.

Call +45 75 60 24 80 or fill out the form below.

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